
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
10 £ 250,0000.003002
12 £ 208,0000.000002
14A £ 125,0000.003001
14B £ 250,0000.003002
20 £ 195,0000.004001
28 £ 62,5000.000002
30 £ 168,3000.002001
30A £ 110,0000.002002
38 - 40 £ 485,0000.000003
39 £ 58,0000.003001
42 £ 312,5000.003002
43 £ 565,0000.005003
43A £ 565,0000.000001
44 £ 273,0000.000003
45 £ 350,0000.000001
46 £ 515,0000.000004
47 £ 882,8590.000003
48 £ 43,0000.000001
52 £ 225,0000.000003
52 Campden Cottage £ 280,0000.000002
56 £ 568,0000.004002
6 £ 414,0000.000002
60 £ 146,0000.000001
65 £ 34,0000.000001
65A £ 172,0000.000005
66 £ 311,5000.000001
67 £ 422,5550.002003
68 £ 320,0000.002003
69 £ 260,0000.000001
73 £ 80,0000.000001
80 £ 357,5000.004002
Avocet View, 50 £ 315,0000.000001
Coastguard Cottages 5 £ 461,0150.000004
Garage At, 69 £ 25,0000.000001
Layland Cottage £ 650,0000.005001
Mallards £ 175,0000.000001
Springbank, 50A £ 615,0000.000002
The Ark Royal £ 2,220,0000.000002
The Bungalow, 50 £ 194,0000.000002
The Old Bakery, 36A £ 300,0000.000001
Westhouse Cottage £ 400,0000.000002